Sunday, March 21, 2010

So long Xanadu

One of the difficult parts of being an Urban Farmer is having to say goodbye to livestock that has served you well. Our beloved Americauna chicken, Xanadu died last night. She was a lovely girl. We only had her for about a year. We got her as an adult. She layed the most beautiful robin's egg blue eggs. She was so funny and friendly. Death is a part of life. A big part of Urban Farming. Knowing when to say goodbye to our beloved chickens. Truth be told my girls are really treated like pets. I name them an spend a lot of time with them in the garden. They are like mobile lawn ornaments. I haven't had to cull any of them yet. The ones who have died have gone by God's hands not my own. All good things must come to and end and so did Xanadu's life. It was an honor to have spent the short time we did with her. She was a special bird. She will truly always hold a special place in my heart for the rest of my life. Blessed be Xana!

On a lighter when I went outside this morning my neighbor was covering her lawn with mulch. Had she decided to create her own front yard farm?? She is removing her lawn to plant all Dahlias. She said "well you have a vegetable garden. I thought I could have a cut flower garden" Right on!! Dahlias being one of my favorite flowers I couldn't be more pleased. I am bringing her cardboard home from work to help her sheet mulch her lawn. She said she saw the catalog of Dahlias and couldn't resist.

So I am thankful for new life... the Dahlias and my new little chicks in my studio. So although there has been sadness happiness is always sure to come.

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