Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Drum roll please...Introducing Dottie!!

Today when I came home I went to check on Henny Penny and set up better digs for her stay with us. I was so excited to find another broken egg. Yes another chick. I could here the two peeping away but I could not find her at first. Was she all curled up in mama's feathers? Nope. She was way back in the corner of the kennel. It was hard to find this little gem because she was so yellow she blended into the shavings. She has two little black dots on her head. I immediately called the mother in law. I described the little bundle to her and she chose the name Dottie. I had thought that would be a good name as well. So the flock grows. I can't wait to see what little miracle will happen or pop out tomorrow.

1 comment:

Benedict Herrman said...

At this rate, you'll have a flock in no time. Flock? Herd? Bunch o' chicks?