Friday, April 25, 2008


I can't seem to get my photos to download properly so I am going to blog about my love of Clematis. I remember the day I fell in love. It was at my Aunt Cheryl's. She had one by her front door. I remember thinking that this is love at first site. Had I not payed attention before. Or was this the moment my eyes were opened to gardening at this wonderful plant. I had to have one. I have five in my yard and hope to add more. So many to choose from. It truly is a love affair I have with this plant. It climbs, it has big wonderful flowers and so hardy. One of my favorites, Asao is so happy to please. She is out there standing so proudly these days. Buds about to burst open with her crisp champagne pink flowers. She doesn't stop blooming either. My champion plant. And when the flowers fade they leave you with a wonderful straw colored fire work of a seed pod. What more could you ask for. If I weren't already married I'd marry this plant. Don't tell my fuschias. They might get jealous.

1 comment:

Pop Sid said...

Your Mom is the expert around here on Clematis and I think she told you about a place over by Mary Goldhammer's that we can visit.