Well I have made the leap to start my own little business. Do what you love and the money will follow, right? The name I have chosen is Front Yard Farms. My intent is to help people create beautiful
veggie gardens and create food for themselves. Teach people sustainable practices as well as help with some ornamental gardening, selling herbs and
veggie starts as well as ornamental starts. I visited my friend Monica's garden to give her some advice. She is a fairly experienced gardener so it was inspiring as well as helpful for me to get my mind really in the mode of my business plan. My next project is to help my dear friend Danielle, who has a bit of a brown thumb. We are going to get that brown thumb nice and green. Danielle has really taken on the responsibility to live in a more sustainable way. She has really gotten into the spirit of recycling everything, networking with others to generate good practices in her home and life, and has really made an effort to take good care of her mind and body. So she has decided as part of her process that she needs to become more one with nature and be able to be a little more self sufficient in her garden. We are going to start out with baby steps. She has a few things in mind that she wants to
accomplish. First she wants to grow her own food, second she wants to compost more and understand the process, third she wants to be able to have fresh cut flowers for her house, and finally she wants to learn to can the veggies she grows. The last part is not something that I will provide for other clients but I am going to teach her what I know about canning. I should also say that much of this process for her is going to be
therapeutic. She is going to challenge herself in an area that may have been a little overwhelming for her. Her husband does most of the gardening and now Danielle wants to be an active participant in the process. So we are going to start some projects that are just hers alone. I will blog about it here and Danielle is going to blog about it on her blog. Look for a website coming soon for Front Yard Farms. A woman on a mission to spread the love of gardening one person at a time.